I love the game but I think when you beat an enemy when their ship hits the ground it should explode cause it would be so cool but thats just my opinion and like I said great game
I love the game but I think when you beat an enemy when their ship hits the ground it should explode cause it would be so cool but thats just my opinion and like I said great game
Alright game
This game is fun for as long as it takes to say the title.
Not to much waiting like all the apps, beautiful game and not pay to win amazing!
...now it doesnt work at all.
Cool and nice game
Its ok
Wery nice game i play on 4s but after last update always crasches after few minutes please fix it
Jk narazie ok, zobaczymy kiedy zaczna wyludzac kase. At present the game ok but I want too see when I need to pay real money to pass next level
This game is nice
People this game is quite good. If you want to spend some time while waiting something or someone this is for you.
This is an amazing game, thanks to the producer
Another game respecting the long tradition of not showing ANY gameplay screenshot. Another review respecting the long tradition of giving one star to games putting up pictures not showing ANY gameplay screenshot. Also, ubisoft is just bad.
Love the Post-Apoc concept but very repetitive. Played for 2 days and got bored. Feels like it should be part of a larger game.
Didnt go through the world and now have to start over because I couldnt upgrade would take forever
Great game I love every second of it
Great game!!
Not bad game
Its challenging and fun!
Fun, original, and the timers arent too unbearable. Good implementation of premium currency, and they arent stingy with it!